Lighting Design & Controls

Our Architectural Lighting Design expertise includes the design, engineering, integration and installation of complete lighting control systems for South Florida luxury residences or commercial office spaces. From concept to creating custom lighting scenes, Geeks of Technology bring years of lighting design experience to every project.

Lighting Controls not only allow for customization of any lighting scene or mood, but are a convenient and elegant way of adjusting the level of light in multiple rooms, with a single touch of a button. Automated lighting control installation in South Florida is a necessity for luxury homes and large commercial office buildings. Make turning on and off the lights seamless and stress-free with a high-tech lighting system that can be controlled from the control panel, your desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Full Lighting Control Solutions

It’s well-known that lighting is the most important factor for taking spaces of your home or office from mediocre or awesome to nothing short of fabulous. Regardless of how richly your home is decorated, poor lighting can completely ruin the appeal, presentation, and mood of the room.

Achieving the perfect balance between natural and artificial light, or creating rich, luxurious moods for living spaces, can only be made with the help of automated, quality lighting controls.

An added benefit of these solutions is integrating the lighting with the rest of the systems in your home. Lighting controls make smart home automation complete. With the touch of a single button, you can take your home from "Party" mode to "Romantic" or "Good Night" mode in a heartbeat.

Depending on the project type, Geeks of Technology may recommend a Centralized Lighting System, a Wireless Lighting Solution, or a combination of the two in order to ensure that you get the most out of your lighting control installation and every-day use.

Calculate Your Home Budget

An all in one tool that helps you get a budget estimate for your smart home installation.

The budget tool will help you calculate individual budgets for home audio, distributed video, entertainment and security systems alongside costs for smart custom applications and control environment.

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